Jahrbuch der ungarischen Germanistik 2023, S. 87–107.


Klimakommunikation und metaphorisches Framing im slowenischen, deutschen und ungarischen Mediendiskurs


Melanija Larisa Fabčič ORCID iD icon 16x16


Universität Maribor, Abteilung für Germanistik

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.69962/JUG/2024/6


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Climate protection was an important topic in national and international media discourse even before the coronavirus pandemic. However, the coronavirus and the war in Ukraine have significantly changed the political agenda by placing the issue of national security above and ahead of the fight against the climate crisis. Many see man-made climate change as a scientifically proven fact, but climate change sceptics and deniers still doubt the existence of the climate crisis and, above all, its anthropogenic origin. It is therefore all the more important that the climate crisis is communicated in an adequate way: with understandable language, illustrated by metaphors and analogies, combined with narrative storytelling and experience-based scenarios and supported by balanced scientific information conveyed by trustworthy ambassadors in group settings (cf. Shome/Marx 2009). This article analyses the Slovenian, German and Hungarian climate crisis discourse on the basis of selected examples, focusing on the discourse actors from the fields of politics, science and media. Our main interest lies specifically in the dominant (metaphorical) frames and conceptual metaphors, as well as the extent to which the discourse complies with the guidelines and recommendations for adequate climate communication (as proposed, for example, by the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/chc/resources/climate-communication-tips/).



climate change, climate crisis, climate discourse, climate communication, framing, metaphorical conceptualisation




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